Majorityrights News > Category: Global Elitism

Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:52.

JTA, “Pope, in meeting with Jewish leaders, calls for integration of migrants”, 27 September 2016:

ROME (JTA) – Pope Francis told a World Jewish Congress delegation that migrants have enriched Europe and need to be integrated into society.

“Europe often forgets that it has been enriched by migrants,” the pope told the Jewish leaders at an audience Monday evening at the Vatican that was described as taking place in an atmosphere of “great cordiality and friendship.”


“Europe is closing itself up. Europe is lacking creativity. Europe has a falling birth rate and problems of high unemployment,” the pope said.

He added, according to an account of the meeting issued by the WJC: “We need to reflect on integration, which is important. The people who committed the terrorist attacks in Belgium were not properly integrated.”

Francis urged Christians and Jews to cooperate in battling hatred and brutality.

“We need more friendliness and kindness, and we should not be afraid to speak out against brutality,” he said, according to the WJC report. “We should go on a joint journey together to make the world more secure. We need to speak out for peace.”

        The appropriate response to the Pope and his cohorts:

        European Sovereignty or Death!

Shimon Peres Has Died But Not Before Taking a Significant Toll on Goyem

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 September 2016 08:27.

The Ugly Truth, “Shimon Peres Has Died And Gone To Hell But His Legacy Of Genocide And Deception Is Alive And Well”

JP, “World leaders are expected to arrive in Israel in the coming days to attend Shimon Peres’s funeral on Friday” 28 September 2016:

Obama, Prince Charles and Hillary and Bill Clinton are among those due to pay their last respects to the veteran statesman.

Israeli President, Shimon Peres: “We are buying up Manhattan, Hungary, Romania and Poland”...


EU initiates programme to issue cash cards to migrants in Turkey

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 29 September 2016 05:14.

Euractiv, “EU launches programme to issue cash cards to migrants in Turkey”, 27 September 2016:

Christos Stylianides, 2nd from right, during the official launch event Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) aid programme in Turkey on 26 September [Commission].

The European Union launched a programme yesterday (27 September) to issue monthly electronic cash grants to benefit a million refugees in Turkey, as part of a deal under which Ankara will curb the numbers trying to enter Europe.

The Emergency Social Safety Net (ESSN) will give refugees pre-paid cards for food, housing, schooling or medical expenses in Turkey.

Earlier this year, EU countries approved a fund of €3 billion to help Turkey improve living conditions for some 3 million Syrian migrants on its territory. The ESSN is part of that deal.

EU and Turkey agree on €3 billion refugee deal

The leaders of the 28 EU member states, and Turkish Prime Minister Ahmed Davuto?lu, agreed on Sunday (29 November) on a deal to stem the flow of refugees to Europe, coupled with an unfreezing of accession negotiations, and an initial €3 billion assistance package.

“Today we launch the biggest and largest humanitarian project the EU has ever supported. It will provide a basic source of income for 1 million Syrian refugees,” Commissioner for Humanitarian Aid and Crisis Management Christos Stylianides said at a news conference.

“The ESSN is perfect proof of the EU’s commitment to tackle the challenge posed by the refugee crisis,” he said.

The EU is also funding other humanitarian projects in Turkey. But President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan has accused the bloc of not following through on its financial pledges.

More than a million migrants entered the European Union after crossing from Turkey to Greece by boat last year. Since Turkey agreed to prevent people from setting sail from its shores, the numbers taking that route have fallen dramatically.

Timmermans: Failure on EU-Turkey deal will turn Greece into refugee camp -

Failure to agree a deal with Turkey at today’s summit on migration will condemn Greece to becoming the refugee camp of Europe, Commission First Vice-President Frans Timmermans warned on Wednesdays (16 March).

On Turkey’s criticism that the promised EU aid for refugees was slow to arrive, Stylianides said he held discussions with Turkey’s EU Affairs Minister Omer Celik on the issue.

“I think now minister Celik recognises and realises that this process for all European funding is going well and I think day by day the situation is getting better,” he said.

The ESSN will be implemented by the World Food Programme and the Turkish Red Crescent, in collaboration with the Turkish Ministry of Family and Social Policy and the Disaster and Emergency Management Presidency.

Deadliest Birthrates Affecting All of Humanity

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 28 September 2016 14:43.

Council of European Canadians, “Deadliest Birthrate Affecting All of Humanity, Part I: Africa”, 14 September 2016:

by Frosty Wooldridge,

“Demography is destiny” - Auguste Comte

As immigration, both legal and illegal, continues flooding into the United States of America — it also pours into Canada, Australia and Europe. Note that all Western countries stabilized their populations since 1970 by averaging 2.0 children or less per female.

Unfortunately, as first world countries created stable and sustainable societies since 1970, their leaders chose unending immigration from overloaded third world countries. For the United States, the late Senator Teddy Kennedy created the 1965 Immigration Reform Act that added 100 million people to America by October of 2006. If continued, that same act expects to add another 100 million people within 34 years. Where do those immigrants originate? Answer: the third world that adds 80 million, net gain, annually.

Unknown to most countries and people living on this planet, an accelerating birthrate in Africa threatens all Western nations in the 21st century. At 1.1 billion in 2016, Africa screams toward 2.1 billion by 2050 and 4 billion by the end of this century.

As an example, the average Burundian woman births 6.3 children, double the international fertility rate. Burundians expect to jump from 10 million to 20 million in a few decades. Egypt, currently 85 million, expects to reach 105 million by 2030. Ethiopia, at 98 million, expects to double to 210 million by 2060.

Ironically, Egypt imports most of its food to feed its current population in 2016. As the human race adds 1 billion more people, net gain, every 12 years, Africa expects to quadruple its population within 85 years. Africans grow so fast; they cannot water, feed, house, educate or sustain the expected 4 billion people about to land on that continent.

What does it mean? It means that every living creature featuring feathers, hooves, claws, fins or fur that lives in Africa will become food for the human mob. It means relentless extinction of rhinos, lions, gazelles, wildebeest, giraffes and elephants — and, well, just about any creature that breathes.

Nonetheless, the Pope condemns birth control in Africa. Islam promotes as many children as possible as it expands across the globe by birthrate and/or violent jihad. World leaders see the carnage, poverty, disease and futility of Africa in 2016, but fail to call for a world conference to discuss what’s coming and what can be done to change course.

Therefore, those burgeoning populations flood into first world countries with no end to the line.

Question: what will humans do once the planet faces another added three billion people by 2050 — a scant 34 years from now? They will need to be watered, fed, housed, warmed and sustained in a finite world with finite resources? If you think the flood of 1,000,000 (million) refugees knocking on Europe’s door today spells disaster for the civilized West, what do you think any Western country faces in the next 84 years when Africa hits four billion desperate people?

Right now, America annually imports 1.2 million legal refugees from around the world. According to The Center for Immigration Studies with research by Dr. Steven Camarota, the illegal alien flow jumped back to 500,000 illegal alien border crossers in 2014-2015. In other words, the line never ends as Mexico remains on course to add another 20 to 30 million people by mid century.


Somali refugees in Minnesota: One of every five refugees resettled in Minnesota by the federal government tested positive for latent tuberculosis in 2014, according to the state’s Department of Health

One look at Minneapolis, Minnesota shows 105,000 African Somalian legal refugees now overwhelming welfare services across that city. And that is not all. Now, Somalia at 11.1 million in 2016, expects to reach 13.1 million within six years by 2020:

The country is rapidly expanding with almost 3% annual population growth and a high fertility rate of 6.26 children per woman, which is the 4th highest in the world.

The pressure by Somalis to enter the United States will only grow in the next few years. Question to ask yourself and your kids: what is the point of endless immigration from Somalia in 2016 when that country, along with the rest of Africa, refuses to solve its own birth rates? What’s the point of adding more of their people to our country so we become like their country?

How do you think your kids will survive the onslaught? What are you doing to raise a national-international discussion on human overpopulation? What kind of a civilization do you expect to bequeath your children? Answer: if we continue on this path, we will become a new third world country where everyone suffers and no one may lead anything like “quality of life” or a decent standard of living. Not to mention a degrading environment!

None of us will escape the growing consequences of Africa’s population bomb. Here is a video on how non-profit groups in the US are planning to bring thousands of Muslim refugees from the Africa, as well as the Middle East, almost completely funded by the US Government through grants and contracts:

Part 1, Africa, Part 2, India, Part 3, China, Part 4


Sickle-cell data shows the genocide of the French people

Posted by DanielS on Monday, 26 September 2016 15:39.

It is an evil rule of the French census-taking system that race is not allowed to be taken into account.

Ominous implications are evinced nevertheless in the incidence of Sick Cell disease in France - Sickle Cell disease being an affliction non-endemic to people of native European descent.

Diversity Macht Frei, “Sickle-cell data shows the genocide of the French people”, 25 September 2016:

The French government bans ethnic statistics. For that reason, the pace and scale of the demographic conquest of France by aliens has to be established indirectly. One way of doing that is by looking at the French government’s data on pupils deemed to be at risk of sickle-cell disease. This is a genetic adaptation that offered protection against malaria, found almost exclusively in non-European populations. In simple terms, brown-skinned people are deemed to be at risk of developing sickle cell disease while Europeans are not.

The image shows the latest figures for 2015. You can see that almost 75% of newborns in the ILE DE FRANCE (Greater Paris region) are non-European.

Another part of the study shows projections for the years ahead, under different scenarios. One scenario shows the 50% point being reached in 2020, another in 2024. This means that in those years 50% of children born in France will be of non-European ancestral origin. Going further into the future, we see that by the year 2050 an astounding 85% of births are expected to be to people of non-European origin.

81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel

Posted by DanielS on Thursday, 22 September 2016 09:03.

TNO, “81% of Americans Oppose “Aid” to Israel”, 22 September 2016:

Some 80.8 percent of Americans oppose the $38 billion in “aid” that the Jewish lobby-controlled U.S. Government last week pledged to Israel, an IRmep poll fielded by Google Consumer Surveys has found.

At the same time, the Jewish lobby will pour money into campaign funds of politicians who support this “aid” package, while the controlled media will demonize any candidate for office who dares to oppose it.

The poll found that the vast majority of Americans want the $38 billion “aid” pledge to be redirected toward other priorities, such as caring for vets, education, and lowering national debt.

The “aid” deal, signed last week in Washington D.C., is the single largest aid package ever given by the U.S.—even though Israel is a wealthy nation in its own right.

The majority of the spending is for “Foreign Military Financing” (FMF) to provide Israel with advanced and upgraded jet fighters, to continue developing Israel’s missile defense systems and to purchase weapons—even though Israel has a booming arms industry of its own and sold $5.7 billion of arms in 2015 alone.

More at TNO

A brutal reality in South Africa

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 17:11.

Radio Free South Africa, “A brutal reality in South Africa”, 16 September 2016:

Brutal scenes in South Africa. On this farm in Randfontein, an entire family was killed in the middle of March , including nine -year-old girl Kayla . Four uneaten sandwiches in the sink (not in picture) testifies that the attack came unexpected and sudden. Photo: Nya Tider

Reporters from the Swedish weekly newspaper Nya Tider (New Times) have traveled to South Africa to investigate whether the “Rainbow Nation” is the success story that Swedish establishment media sometimes say – as far as they are at all interested in the land that has been in the media focal point until 1994. We met with politicians, farmers and victims. Thousands of farmers have been murdered in the Rainbow Nation, and the fear is always present.

The sun shines low over the red-colored, dry ground. I am currently in South Africa, a land of contrasts with a history out of the ordinary. During the day, I met the country’s former interior minister for a meeting about the country and its challenges. Zulu Prince Mangosuthu Buthelezi confirmed what I have written about for years, namely the difficult situation that the country’s white farmers are in. Mr. Buthelezi said that he fully understands that the white farmers are frightened in South Africa of today. There is every reason for it.

Since the ANC took power in South Africa in 1994, thanks to extensive financial and moral support from the Swedish government, several thousand white farmers have fallen victim to farm attacks, according to the American organization Genocide Watch. The topic is controversial, especially for us in the Western world. To speak of vulnerable minorities is certainly always appreciated, but not when it comes to a minority originating from the Netherlands and neighboring countries from the beginning. Then the question becomes suddenly very sensitive.

I strongly believe in every ethnical groups right to live in accordance with their culture and traditions. After traveling around in South Africa for long periods and after reporting from war torn countries in the Middle East and Eastern Europe, you quickly realize the value of security and peace. Civilized and non-corrupt governments, ethnical groups whose rights are recognized and nations that are not exploited by foreign interests are of paramount importance for a just world.

Few things are left in this little house in Nylstroom. The purportraiters killed the elderly owners. They raped the wife and set her on fire, together with the house. Photo: Nya Tider

During a five year period, I have traveled to South Africa several times, visiting farms and farmers to document farm attacks. During this latest trip, I have spoken with the victims of those attacks, as well as with relatives of people murdered in the most heinous acts. What is remarkable in these stories is that in many cases it is not about robbery. It would have been much easier for perpetrators to clear the home when no one is home, but still they wait until the owners come back. What happens then is in too many cases that the woman in the house is raped in front of the husband, and that one or more is killed – sometimes the whole family. On a farm I visited in Randfontein outside Johannesburg in mid-March the whole family was killed, and there was still money left on the bloody bed where an elderly man was beaten to death. The only thing taken after the murders was a car, but it was set on fire a few kilometers away. The trend is similar in many of the cases we have examined.

Many white farmers are worried about the political developments in South Africa. The radical party Economic Freedom Fighters, who want to seize most, if not all, of the white farmers’ land, is gaining ground. They received six percent of the votes in its first election two years ago. I met with their representatives in Cape Town a couple of days ago, and they were confident that the party will be governing in a not too distant future. Party leader Julius Malema made himself known to an international audience when he, then as leader of the ANC Youth League, sang a song about killing white farmers. Human rights activist Dan Roodt, born in South Africa, says that the situation of the white minority has become worse since Nelson Mandela – a restraining factor – died two years ago. Attacks are now more and more brutal. Most white farmers know someone or know of someone who has fallen victim to an attack. The fear has spread in the rural communities.

Blacks have grown to 90 percent of the population and there is little interest in protecting the white minority’s interests. On the contrary, today there are more racial laws than during apartheid. Businesses owned by blacks get preferential access to government contracts, there are laws requiring black ownership in large companies and many whites are locked out of universities because “their” quota is full.

Five years ago I visited a farmer community outside the city of Nylstroom and two years ago I did a follow-up. When I came to the same area again last week, I was met by several tragic news. Several attacks have occurred in the neighborhood. An elderly couple had been murdered in their home, the older woman had been raped and burned up. The perpetrators had left empty liquor bottles at the scene and set fire to the house before they set off. We spoke with a 28-year-old woman who lost her husband in a farm attack that took place outside Nylstroom at the end of last year. This was the second husband the young woman had lost. The perpetrators had broken into the house when the couple slept and stabbed her husband to death with a screwdriver. The woman grabbed a knife and fought for her life, thus escaping being raped, but she was also badly cut. The perpetrators held a knife to the couple’s infant to force the mother to open the gun cabinet and then murdered her husband when his four-year daughter watched.

Many white farmers would naturally flee South Africa if they could. However, most are settled in the country for economic reasons, including an elderly lady I spoke with, whose daughter had been stabbed to death eight months ago. She had been stabbed with a knife in front of her two little boys. The elderly woman now wants to move to Europe or Australia, but has no economic opportunity to even move to a safer part of South Africa.

A forgotten minority. One of the many children who will grow up in a squatter camp in South Africa. Picture from Pretoria. Photo: Nya Tider

In Sweden, we are constantly told that there are no Swedes, that a “privileged white” person cannot become a victim of racism. The same attitude towards whites that is prevalent in the West, we also see when it comes to South Africa’s white minority. The official viewpoint is that it simply cannot exist any racism against whites, that the attacks against whites simply are a matter of common robbery, despite the statistics and that the farmers themselves suggest otherwise. When I met the press spokesman of the Transvaal Agricultural Union, Henk van de Graaf, he told me that the most dangerous profession in the crime ridden South Africa is being a farmer. More people have been murdered here than in neighboring Zimbabwe, where the regime deliberately hunted white farmers out of the country.

We must dare to talk about the attacks against the white minority in South Africa, just as we need to talk about racism against the Swedes in my home country without being labeled as “racists”. In the upcoming issue of New Times, readers will find stories and interviews with victims and politicians from South Africa.


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Former Australian prime minister Abbott: Europe is Being Invaded

Posted by DanielS on Wednesday, 21 September 2016 02:32.

TNO, “Abbott: Europe is Being Invaded”, 20 September 2016:

Former Australian prime minister Tony Abbott has warned that Europe is being “invaded,” that white nations are “losing their character” through mass Third World immigration, and that the invasion needs to be turned back at the borders.

In addition, he said, Turkey’s leaders have urged Muslims to take back parts of Europe and among the invaders are “soldiers of the caliphate bent on mayhem.”

Making the direct comments during a speech to the Alliance of European Conservatives and Reformists—a group of conservative European parties—at their major annual meeting in Prague, Abbott asked, “why shouldn’t each country keep the final say over who can enter?”

“After all,” he said, “a country or a continent that can’t control who enters its territory will eventually lose control of its future.”

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Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Tue, 20 Feb 2024 00:33. (View)

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Guessedworker commented in entry 'Alex Navalny, born 4th June, 1976; died at Yamalo-Nenets penitentiary 16th February, 2024' on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 09:29. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 04:53. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Sat, 17 Feb 2024 03:32. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:43. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Fri, 16 Feb 2024 12:38. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 18:21. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 14:11. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Thu, 15 Feb 2024 10:38. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Wed, 14 Feb 2024 13:22. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 07:56. (View)

Al Ross commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Sun, 11 Feb 2024 03:27. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Sat, 10 Feb 2024 12:13. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 23:16. (View)

Guessedworker commented in entry 'Things reactionaries get wrong about geopolitics and globalism' on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 22:36. (View)

Thorn commented in entry 'A Russian Passion' on Fri, 09 Feb 2024 12:38. (View)

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